“Broad, wholesome, charitable views of men and things cannot be acquired by vegetating in one little corner of the earth all one’s lifetime.”

Mark Twain, Innocents Abroad

I first fell in love with traveling by reading, by being transported to other worlds created by Laura Ingalls Wilder and Jane Austen. Growing up in a small town, books were my passport to new cultures, landscapes, and personalities. Perhaps because of this wanderlust, I was never the kind of person who knew where I was meant to be. I was always ready to experience something new and never quite ready to settle. This restlessness continued through college, leading me to major in German and International Studies and take classes in French and Art History.

By 2015, a little stifled by my office job and the 9-to-5 lifestyle, I decided to see if my love of travel and attention to detail could grow into something more. I explored pursuing a career as a travel advisor. As soon as I stepped onto the path, I felt at home. After rigorous training and wonderful mentorship with Cruising Company and the Signature Travel Network, I began to assist friends and family with their vacations around the world. The rest is history! There have been many new chapters and not a single one I would re-write.

I want you to have life-changing experiences and unforgettable memories. I want your travels to change you the way mine have changed me. I am privileged to assist you and happy to leverage my five years of experience as a Signature Travel Expert and destination expertise in 21 countries and counting to make your vacation grand.

Travel advisors in the 21st century are far more than the agents of the 1960s who booked your airline tickets! I spend hours researching the perfect destinations, ships, resorts, and activities for you. I am your advocate from the time of deposit until your return home, stressing about details so you can have fully immerse yourself in your destination.

I am proud to be part of a caring, united, and positive community. If I lack firsthand experience of a place where you wish to go, I always have a trusted friend or colleague who does, and I never hesitate to make that call on your behalf. Our community is tight-knit and powered by real human relationships and connections. If you have a problem, many times I can call someone who knows me by name and get these issues resolved in a fraction of the time it takes for you to do it alone. The bonds and trust I work hard to build with you extend to the other side as well, to suppliers around the world working tirelessly behind the scenes to make your travels memorable.

Where are we going next?

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